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MOMMy Hello Again March 31, 2019
hey there. I know. I know. Where’d I come from? It’s been a while. Was thinking of u as I do everyday. Then realized u will be 40 ur next birthday. Damn!
EM Thompson Mommy March 13, 2018
I haven’t been on here in ages,but, I think/talk to u everyday. U are still missed & loved so much.. Continue to watch over us all.  
Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom For you and your Mom Dennis July 23, 2009

Dessa Smith Thinking of you November 19, 2008
Edith we have to know God took our boys because of the pain they were in. The addiction was so much pain for them. It is an awful disease. Dennis is right beside you always like my Joseph is. They are in heaven with those beautiful smiles of theirs and not a pain ever again. We have the pain not because of them but we miss them so much. My heart is with you and I know the holidays are so painfull. I hope you have a gentle Thanksgiving my friend. Hugs Dessa Joseph's mom
Edwina - Troy Mitchell's Mum. Thinking of you on Dennis's Birthday October 11, 2008

My thoughts and prayers are with all who love and miss dear Dennis.

Your precious Angel is certinally a very handsome young man and his beautiful smile captured my heart instantly.

I can clearly tell by the many beautiful candles, condolences and heart touching letters from his mommy just how much he is loved. You have created a beautiful tribute to honor your Angel's memory.

I wish there where something I could say to ease your heartache, I only pray that you find some comfort knowing that others care.

God Bless~Edwina Mitchell, Angel mum to Troy.

Janice Jacky's mom May 14, 2008

I hope that you had a good mother's day, Edith.  I was determined that I would, and I did.  It's like you say, a time comes to put the grief away, but continue to enjoy the memories.  Surely God allows our boys to watch us smile at times over a memory.


Stay strong.  Stay you.



Janice Jacky's mom May 11, 2008

"We are the special moms who's kid's were chosen by God to return to Him."


Thank you for that!  Thank you for...being you.


I try so hard to be someone to everyone.


Please know that you are someone for me.  I thank God for you.


Happy Mother's Day.

Janice Jacky's mom April 23, 2008
Stay strong, friend.  I know that you were hit with a double whammy having to deal with your son's death and raise your gr'son at the same time.  I admire your strength.
Janice Jacky's mom April 2, 2008

Edith!  I absolutely adore you and your writings to your son.  I've just finished up reading all of your memories (bottom up), and....despite your pain, you send so much laff'ter your son's way.  I'm sure that he has to smile from a heavenly read.  You are sure therapy for me, I can tell you that!  There is no telling how many others benefit from reading your wonderful daily journal notes to your son.


You are NOT a negative person, I can tell you that!  If you were, then I wouldn't be drawn to you.  Yes, you have your struggles....but over'come them with humor.  I sooooooooooo wish that you didn't have to work and raise your grand'son at the same time.  I pray God will bless you and take that burden away...whatever it takes, maybe winning a lottery or whatever.  I didn't win a lottery, but do thank God every day that I'm able to spend and cherish my days with my grand'daughter, Haven.  She will turn six in September, and thank God every day that I've pretty much spent every single day of her life with her.  When Jacky died, I caught myself being a little'ish and snippy?...with her?  But quickly realized that wasn't the nana'mama that I wanted to be, set out to being, and chose (again)  to live my life in the positive, deeply grateful for that little one that so adored me.  I cherish every moment with her.


You crack me up, make me LAFFFF with the nun jokes!  Just your casual attitude with your conversations with your son can dry a tear in a heart'beat.


As for addictions>>I do smoke.  I've never done drugs in my life, but I do smoke.  That say that is one of the most hardest of addictions to beat, nicotene.  I watched my mama and mother'in'law die from it. (Mainly mama>>mil had ol'timers and emp...the lung problem).  We know the impact of such of a death would be on our loved ones....yet we do it anyway.


And drink.  Simply beer, but it is drinking, (a drug?),  and only night'caps, but seems to be more and more since Jacky has died.


I don't think that your son really considered that such simple or recreational addictions would have done him in, and certainly didn't think ahead....


But maybe his death will cause some (simply me) into thinking...


Just simply thinking....


Thank you, Edith, for your journal to your son.  Don't stop writing!

Janice Jacky's mom April 1, 2008

I'm still reading on a book'mark.  You are one strong mama....


Me too, thanks to you....


Thank you.

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