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Janice Jacky's mom March 31, 2008

Edith, I soooo love coming back to your journal to read and re'read on a catch'up.  I laff so hard, and cry just as hard>>>you are so descriptive of your life and letters to Dennis, and are totally in touch with your emotions.


Like you, my heart can saggggg, yet be lifted (HIGH) up on a memory.  You, lady, could write a book and make a million simply because you are as honest and descriptive as you are.


You could/can soooo help others from where you are, what you are experiencing.  (You don't need a writer's talent, you have your own style).  You hurt, and let it out, you smile and laugh on a re'call and let it out...)


You are a true and in'depth person.  Seek ways that your bean can use you (or you can use his life)>he didn't die in vain.  Don't change your writing style, tho.  You are unique yourself.


I hope/pray that I don't insult you by saying this.  After all, I come to read your journal to comfort my own self....


You are so special, as I know that your Den was/is!

Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom For You Dennis March 23, 2008

Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom For You Dennis 3/17/08 March 17, 2008

Janice Jacky's Mom February 12, 2008

Edith, your expressions of love for your son, the ups and downs, are so open...


I don't know what to say.  You are such a unique person of expression...your son most CERTAINLY had to be special.  Like you.


  I lost my 28 year old son, Jacky Amos, this past October to a drunk driver.  I still "cry on my computer" but don't feel the freedom to say, "Hey!  I feel like crying....I'm CRYING!" 


 I try to hide my tears, but you let yours flow, let your emotions flow.  You should be an inspiration to all of us that have lost the true love of our lives, our ONLY sons.  I figure that our young cubs are gone for a reason...  A GOOD reason.


Hold my hand, Edith!  Okay, I'm going to say it>>>I'm CRYING over my son.  Tears into my computer.


Thank you for being an inspiration.....of honesty.  TRUE honesty.

Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom For You Dennis on Valentine's Day February 12, 2008

Thinking of You

Bonnie... Edith January 20, 2008
Bonnie.... Mom to Angel Bubba September 12, 2007


Deb Andrew's Other Mother March 20, 2007

Hello Edith,

Your tribute to Dennis is breathtaking.  Thank you for visiting my son's site.  (Andrew Collins)  As I visit other sites, it simply amazes me that so many handsome young men are now our Angels in Heaven.  The void in our hearts is only something that a surviving Mother could possible truly understand.  It has been 20 months since Andrew took God's hand and went home.  Not one day in 20 months have I not thought about him or heard a song that reminded me of him, or simply sat staring @ his headstone trying to imagine how this could have happened.  Do take care of yourself and feel free to email me at

May God Bless you!


Rea mom of Emile Our beautiful sons January 19, 2007
Edith, Your Dennis is such a handsome young man with beautiful soft eyes. And you are so right, they didn't die, they just went to the other side. Please e-mail me again, I lost all my info. Much luv and hugz. Rea mom of Emile
Bonnie Benis Mom to Angel Bubba January 13, 2007

Dearest Edith,

Know my heart is always with you as we travel this road together. Thank you for being a big part of my life now. We will be with our Angels again one day. I love Angel Dennis as I do all my Angels. My prayers are with you.

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