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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEN!!! Hey u'd  be an old man , LOL , 29 y/o. WOW!! Stick around  today,everthing is  for  u..I'm coming out to  see u soon w/Dezi,bringing u a milkshake  & strawberry shortcake..I know,I'm ruining the surprise,but u know I don't  like surprises..THEN,,,guess what's  for  dinner?/ Of course,roast,mash potatoes & veggies..I asked  Gram & Bob to look after  u today & make  sure  u enjoy ur day.It's Ur Day !!  Ok,I have  to  get my day started..I love & miss u so much.Please  try  & come see us..Stay close  to  all of us & most of  all,Enjoy Today!! I M U  &  U R ME.. LOVE & HUGS,  E
Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom



Hi Den,well,it's Ant's birthday..7 y/o..He wanted a karate party..It didn't work out so now he wants a costume party..Are u hearing this.?? We were watching the Olympics last nite & he was telling me if his daddy was still here he could probably win  1 zillion medals & no one in the world could be better.I'm trying so hard to keep u  w/him,but I'm afraid he forgets sometimes.Stay w/him Bean,he needs u so,so much. How I wish  u were here..I miss & need  u so  much..There's so much  u should be doing..
Speaking  of which,what was so important that u couldn't come around  last Saturday??U know how much I idolize John Edward..Do U realize how much those tickets were? I still  think he's  great..He did some good readings,just not for me.I'll keep traveling & you'll keep ignoring me..U PITA!!
Stick around today..Barb & I are taking Ant & maybe Roman on the Ride the Duck..I'm gonna need a life jacket,just knowing I'm in that nasty Delaware..Watch over all the kids..Your sister the Princess,now has so many kids there  on the wekends ,It's like Romper Room..Your's Mine,Ours is so true. Who'd of thought  she'd  give  up  her career,studies,figure,for  a house  full of kids..
Ok,,stay close,know that we all love & miss u...I M U & U R ME!!  Love Ya.E
Hey,what do u  think?? he's  a beauty,right?Domenic Dennis DeAngelis!!! Strong name..Sorry,I know  how u felt about ur name..I tried to  talk her into Vincent..She wouldn't  budge..U know ur sister.Anthony got promoted!! Finally!! 1st grade in Sept..he spent the weekend  w/Jr..He always  has  a good time t here & Little  Frankie enjoys  him being there .Now  the real problems  begin..Babysitting!!! I need  to  keep his  mind  occupied..He's  just like u..Just give him a TV & a video game & he'll sit inside  all day..well not this  time..He's  chunking up & I'm  not going thru that again.I may  get it  right yet..LOL
So,back to  ur new  Nephew...He's  so  tiny Den,,He scares  me..I'm afraid I'm gonna break him..Anthony & Roman are  so excited.Stay close  to everyone.We all love & miss u..I M U  &  U R ME
What's up??? Ant finishes  school next week.God only knows  what  I'll do  w/him then..Probably duct tape  him to the playstation.LOL .Ur new  nephew  Domenic Dennis will be  born June 9th.We'll all be  happy  to  have  ur sister back to  normal,or as  close  to it as possible .Tone & I have had colds the last week &  it's kickin my butt.i hate  being sick..I wish I could  just lay here ..I'm gaining so much weight I can barely breathe..What the Hell is  happening?? I think  it's  gonna be a  pity party day..I hate  them..It's  so not me.
I did get down the shore for  2  days  w/some of the Moms from my group..OMG,the feel of the sand under  my feet..How  much I've missed that.Well,I have  to  get ready for  work..I need  a babysitter tomorrow night..Y don't  u come  sit w/ur son..HaHa..  U screwed  up the whole  plan  u know  that ,right?  Well,I love u anyway..Miss u so much..I M U  &  U R ME.
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