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Hey Den,I haven't  been here  in awhile..I'm  just feeling bad lately.Steph is worried  how  I'm gonna  be  on your birthday..I'll be fine..Its a day to celebrate  when my  little  man was  given to me..after all that planning,to have my little boy.a dream come true..I could never be  sad on your birthday.I feel bad  that u won't  be  here  for Tone's BDay on Thursday..Maybe thats why I'm feeling creeped out..u should be  here  planning what's  to be done.where he should  go,what to do.U know  I hate  this shit!! What's  up w/those maddolo's?? Ur gram  lived  in that  house over 50 years & isn't gone a month,Ur father & brother are over there  today cleaning it out..I'd  be there  sleeping every nite.I still haven't moved ur sneex from where  I placed them  that day.Your watch is still sitting on your TV...Damn,I still pay for cable in a  room no one sleeps in.Ok..ur far enough away,Which 1 of  us is  weird??..ok,,go find  Aunt Carol,her B-Day is  this week also..Go  make her gravy..She loves it..Give  kisses all the way around for me..i love & miss u SOOOOOOOO much..I M U  &  U R ME..Love & hugs,E
Hey,it's  Memorial Day weekend..2007..Wow..i can't  believe  i have  to  work..In my past life,I'd  already be in Wildwood..When did it all change??How I wish I could give Anthony the summers  I gave  u..he's  @ ur bro's  house this weekend..He enjoys being w/the kids.I met a Mom who's only son passed  around  ur  birthday..Danny Silverman,keep an eye on him..Don't teach him any new tricks..His mom is a nice  lady & of course  misses him terribly.U guys!!!  Sometimes I wonder.why?? why?? It's not fair Den..Look @ ALL the lives u effected  by leaving..I could smacku right in the head..God ,I miss u so much..I love U bean..Stay w/me ..I M U  &  U R ME
Bonnie...Bubba's Mom
 This candle will always burn in your memory Dennis, Know I'm thinking of you.Stay as close as you can to your Mom and Son. Know you are thought of and loved.
Hey U,what's up?? I have  2 go get Tony's  report card @ 1:30..Please  help me  not  to wring  the lady's neck. He told me  the other nite,he'll never have  afiancee if  he can't  find  agood  career.Where  does he  come  up w/this stuff?? R R whispering in  his ear again? I told  him,I just want  him to get  out  of  kindergarten..I don't  think theres a thing he  could do now that would  cvhange  their minds.We fought so hard to get  him into this school & look @ all the problems.I could have sent  him to  Allen for this.Well,I have  to  get ready..After the report card ,I have  to  drop him off @ ur Pop's..Lucky me..I'm gonna see all my favorite  people  & THEN I get to  work 4hrs on the Phones tonite..Stick around ..This could get  interesting..
 Oh,by the way.what have u guys  been  up to?/ It hasn't  been sunny in I don't know how  long..Do u  think  u guys could do something nice & get  the Boss  to  smile  on us & get some  sunshine  rollin again?? I hate this  freakin computer..Ur Pop promised  Tony 1 for  Xmas..He just didn't  say what year..He ain't  changed much..Ok..Later,,I M U  &  U R ME..
Ok,,so no one believes Tone's  tooth just came out..1 little  headlock & u never live it down..LOL  He was  so cute  Den,he didn't  even know  it had come out..Thank God,Can u imagine  the drama??I have  to  send the picture thru,then I'll post  it for u..Easter is next week..Nothing special..We're  both off most of the week..probably do a few cool things  w/him.Pop is  in Florida this week..On business! Yeah right..So ,what's new  & exciting?? SOS here,Just another day in Paradise..Well,kiddo,I'm outta here..Be good..I love & miss u so much..I M U  &  U R ME
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