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Hey Den,,Well,it's Mothers Day again..I don't have my Mom,Ur  up there  w/her.I Probably won't hear from ue  sister,but I do have Tone,,& for that I'm grateful..So,do u  have anything planned  for  Gram & Aunt Carol..u better  be  treating them good..I'm gonna stop & see Aunt Ron,maybe come out to  see u & go over Barbara's  later. Of course ,I'll be thinking about  u as  I always do..Some  of the corny stuff  we  did  when u were  little.I'd love to go down the shore..It's  not the same  now..Please try to  send  me  a sign or  something since u  don't  want to  come see me.Brat!! I love,Love,Love U..Miss  u so  much..I M U & U R ME..Hugs,,E

Hi Den,I keep  asking & wishing & asking some more,but  u won't  come  see me..What's up w/that..??Tone's  going thru  a  few things,starting to  have some trouble  in school..He's  back  w/his therapist.Hope  it will do some  good..Den,he's  just like  u..Smart as a whip,but on his terms..He can quote a whole  commercial,songs,but can't remember spelling words from last week..He's mastered  every  video game he plays,but can't  spell "Love".Won't  even try  w/school work..he's  having  such a  hard  time remembering  what  he's  learned..Will  we ever  get him out  of  Kindergarten?? I keep telling everyone,if the lessons  were on video,,he  could  teach the class.

U guys  have  brought me  together w/another Mom..Her son Jacky is  w/u..I hope u 2  have  met..He has a little  girl  almost Tone's  age.Mother's  day  is  coming  soon..It would be  nice  if ALL of  u Angels  could  visit ur Moms.&  give us  a  small's not like I'm asking for  muchI also  met  2  more  Moms  from Jersey,,Both Italian,,Both have sons who've passed ..we're a dying breed  Kiddo..

Speaking of  which..Ur Pop is not speaking to  anyone ..He made the remark ,he was  nice to  me  for  2  years  &  it's  to  hard pretending..What a loser..He  lost out on his son & now his Grandson,,BUT,,He  has  no  guilt.Anthony doesn't  like  being w/him,,He said  he's  to mean..He constantly  hollars  @  him & smacked him once..he must have lost his  mind,cause  Big E don't  play that Shit!!  Neither does  Tone..Pop smacked him & Tone punched him in the stomach..Anyone else &  he'd  of gotten punished....It's  better  this  way.

Steph & Pete are  really good  w/Anthony..Did  u help  bring  them together?? Pete is  so  good  for  ur sister..He's  great  w/Anthony & Roman.He  reminds me  of  u & Oscar..Good  combo  right??..Ok,,I need  a nap before  work..I called out yesterday..Can't  make  a habit  of  that..I'm running out of sick days..Love  u ,miss u,& wish u were here..I miss  cooking for  u & gossiping w/u..Give  hugs  to  everyone..I M U  &  U R ME.     E

Bonnie...Angel Bubba's Mom



Keeping Dennis,Anthony and you Edith in my thoughts and prayers.  Dec.2007

Hey Den,I came  to  see  u & decided  to change  ur background  for  a  few  weeks..Remember ur  last halloween  here?/ U & Dezi took Tone out..I still have  that costume  hanging in my  room.He's  going to  be a Ninja Turtle this year..We'll do the usual..Rawle St  on halloween..I remember all the years  I had to  work till  6 or  7 pm & Steph took u out around  the neighborhood.I see  now  how u 2 had  every material thing u needed  but I was  always  @ work..How  I wish I could  chnage that..I do  remember  when I got hurt,then I was  home ALL the time..u were older  then & probably hated  that..Of course  w/Anthony I don't  have  that luxury..He's  doing  so  much better this  year,but u  know  that..Still drives me  crazy though.LOL Haven't heard from  anyone lately.Little Frankie's  birthday party is  today..I may drive him over for a few hours. What do  u  think  about  ur sister ?/ Can  she  do this? We shall  see..It's  so  freaking cold  today..Only  in the 50's..can   it  hurry up & bring  Spring/Summer  back..Ok,,I'm  gonna  try to  start  my day..U watch over Bubba..Bonnie takes  good  care of  all of the Angels  .She watches  over u here  when I 'm not able to..I do have to thank u for  that..u've  brought so many good  people into my life to  help  w/this journey...Drop in whenever..I love & miss u Baby Boy..I M U  &  U R ME.
Damn,I miss u Den,,I thought I saw u on Robbins Av,when i was  going to Jersey..the guy was  YOU..I started  crying in the car,& then I noticed his wht shirt..The sleeves were way  to short for u..I know u understand  what I mean..they were @ least 2" above his elbows..that's  unexceptable!!  they had to be  almost to the elbow if  not  over..Guess what?/ they did look funny that short.But Jeez,his coloring,his haircut,height, built..I kept asking Tony,did u see that guy?/ who's he  look like?  I think I'm freakin out..i know it's just  the idea of schoo l starting soon & going thru the same shit w/a sitter or  lack of 1...Stick around & help  me decide  what to do..i need a little  help here  & u know how I hate to  ask..I love & miss u so much..I M U & U R ME..
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