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Hey U,It's  freakin snowing !!! I hate  this..It's  almost April.When will I catch a break.Anthony was outside  helping me  shovel,& he just started  cleaning Floss's steps  & walk.I smiled  but it mad me  sad to  see,cause I 'll always remember u doing both of  our walks,patios & steps.She  has to be  90 y/o now & still here.And  still has 1 of  my boys  doing her steps. I refuse to take  another pie from her..LOL..I hope the  sun is  shining on ALL of  u Angels.It would  really suck if  u still had to deal w/the elements.I bought everything to make  a big pot  of  soup.I don't know who I'm feeding..At the  rate I'm going ,it will all go in the trash next week..I waste  more $$ on groceries .well,now ur  Pop is  bugging me  abt Anthony & how  he's  getting bounced  around  when I work nites..Everybody thinks  it's  so easy.Ur sister made  a remark abt it yesterday,Yes,she called out  of the  clear blue  sky ,but she  didn't  offer to  help out.I'll do  what I can as long as  I can.I don't have  many options..Well,thanks  for  listening..I miss u so much.I wish u could  still be here w/us.I love  u BEAN..I M U  &  U R ME.

Edith,  What a beautiful tribute to your Dennis.  Dennis you soar with the angels and always be by your mother's side.  


Hugs   Lucille

Hey Bean,Just needed  to  stop in & see  ur  pretty face.Thank u for sending me to help Z & Sam.That could  have  been bad for them..They seem like a nice  couple.No wonder u liked them.I'm trying to  tell the  baby abt Ninja Turtles.Who'd of  thought I'd  be  doing this again..He has 1,000 Questions, & no is not an answer he'll except.Ok..I told  u just dropped in..I'm  outta here..I love & miss u so  much..Be good Stay close..I M U  &  U R ME.

Hi Den,I came out  2  c  u this  morning..I hope it wasn't  my imagination ,but a loving sign from u..I cleaned up  everything..God,that stone just makes it so real..Can  u even imagine how  much  we all miss u..U,who was always  so careful..U hid  everything  so  well..What happened  that nite.?.what went  wrong??Last nite Anthony was looking in a  magazine  for  another Daddy,because his  daddy  left him..What can I tell him..Having never even smoked  a cigerette,I don't  know  how  addiction works ..U were clean  & doing so well..Had everything  working  out..did  u  think  u could just  do this  recreationally,that it wouldn't  consume  ur  life  again.??.1 time was all it  took..So many  lives  were destroyed  by  ur  actions.. I thought  u were  smarter then  that..The  love  of  ur  family wasn't  enough.Y couldn't  u c that..?So many  things  u'll never do, because  friends who u should  have  left  behind  long ago,who didn't  know  u unless they could  use u..What did u have  to  prove  to them.?.U were so much better then  them..Y couldn't  u c that??  I'll never know ..U'll  always  be  my baby ..I love  &  miss  u so much..I just wish  u were here  for  me  to  tell u ,like  I used to..Later Mom,Love  U..Remember that?? every time  u left  the  house.I'll never  hear  that again from u.I say  it every nite  before  I fall  asleep..U turned out  to  be  a  selfish bastard & only thought of  urself..What abt ur  son,ur  fiancee,So many  people  needed u  in their  life.Y m I  so  mad today,,Y? I just have  so much going  on & don't  need  1 other thing.I feel like  every day it's  something  else..I'm sorry..U know  I love  &  miss u..Just a bad day..


Happy Valentine's Day Den.How  I wish u could be  here  for  Dezi today..She's  still alone ,but u know that.She's afraid to open her heart to anyone else,& feels no other man can measure up to u..Please help her to get past  this..If her love alone could have  saved u,U'd have  lived to be  100..Well,u know what sloppy weather we've  have  the  past  few days..Snow ,ice,sleet..I called out 2day & feel so guilty..I'm not even attempting to clean that car or  sidewalk..I'm cooped up in this  bedroom like it's  my personal prison..Thank God for this  computer,slow as it is..Ur Pop is  supposed to buy Anthony a new 1,but he's waiting for me  to pick it out..Yeah right.Please make  sure to round up my buddies  & give them all kisses from me..!st & formeost ,Bob,Gram,Aunt Carol,Edie,Nobie.U have  more of my friends w/u then I have  left w/me..How  sad..I love u little boy.Never forget  that.! How  I wish I could tell u that myself..What I'd  do for  1 of ur  pats on the  back & a hug..I'm gonna  stop..I'm crying all over the computer & that can't be good..I M U  & U R ME..
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