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Hi Den,u know  I don't  get weekends off that often,but I'm off today.Usually a Sunday off would  mean gravy.Let me tell u something..I havent made gravy since u passed ..I've  had  to  settle  for  everyone elses.I can't  even  get  the  strength to  get  out  of this  room today.If u were here ,I'd have  the  gravy on,,frying bacon,& waiting for  u to  come  running  down  the  stairs in  ur  sweats & t-shirt,w/ur goofy glasses.looking for  something  to  eat..always  dipping  the  bread in  the  gravy,asking for  a meatball.U would tell me  what happened  @ work last  night & if football was on ,u'd  complain abt  going to  work..I loved  thoses  mornings ,cause  it was just us bs'g  abt  everything & nothing..It's a  good  thing Anthony isn't into gravy..His  passion is  breakfast sausage.So on that note  I'm gonna gop get  his  breakfast together.Stay w/us  today..We love & miss u..I M U & U R ME
Hey Den,Just thinking abt u & missing u.I wish u could be  here  for  all of this,but it's  not  to be.I'll get  thru  it as usual.I know  u have  probably found  a  peaceful quiet niche for  urself after a year.I will think of  u always,but i will  visit u here daily..I promise not  to  bother u as much.Just come here  & look @ u.I won't  bother u w/all my stories & request..Whatever the Good Lord  has  planned  for  us ,He planned  it w/u there  & me  here.I'm gonna stick around  & see  how  this  pans out.Stay w/ur  son,even if I don't  come  & ask u every is  Roman's  6th birthday.These  boys shouldn't  be  caught  up  in  all this drama.Keep them safe,healthy & HAPPY..that's  all they need in  their young lives.I love & miss u My Angel..Talk w/u soon..I M U && U R ME
Good morning Den,Thanks for  making yesterday more  bearable then Friday.Friday was the worse.No wonder u don't  come  to me.I'm truly sorry..So,today is  ur  sisters birthday.I haven't  seen  her in a  few  wks & don't  expect to  see her today.She's becoming to conditional for  me.I have  enough on my  plate.So,I hope  u have  settled in to a peaceful place  now  after 1  yr..I do know  somewhere in the  back of  my mind,ur  not coming back,but that doesn't  stop me  from loving & missing u.I just keep  thinking abt u as  a fat  little  kid.I wish I knew  when it turned  down..Hopefully  not  for a few years  til  u were in ur  late  teens.How  I wish u could  have  beat  this,or  I could  have  made it betyter,,That's  what Mom's do..  ,but it's not  to be..I explained to Anthony how  special he is  to  have  2 Guardian Angels..Everyone is  given 1 the day they're born,but He also has U.Please  watch  over  him..& keep him safe.Round  up  the  gang & tell them I love  & miss them also..U seem to  have  a bettergroup w/u then what I'm left  with..Well,watch  over  us  ,come  visit me when  u get  the chance.& know that I love you always..I M U  &  U R ME..

Good Morning u should have  a  terrible headache from all the people who will be talking to  u & abt u.How can 1  yr have passed  already.Do u know any of what's going on?Can u hear us? Do u miss us ?I told my support grp last night ,that I envision u as  being in a beautiful garden,w/no illness,problems.Just happy to be where u are ,& happy to be  w/the people  & hopefully family that surround u always.U will always  remain as  my 26 y/o son,who was  as good as u led me  to  believe u were.Yesterday was  a horrible day.All  did  was  wonder  what u were going thru 1 yr ago..It's  like  I was  re-enacting the  whole  day of  Jan 20,2006.U passed on a  Friday morning,so Fridays  are  always  bad..Today seems like  the day after..I'm coming out to see u as soon as I get  myself together..I have  to  stop & see ur Grandmother.Den,she's gone thru so much & loves  Anthony so much..I really enjoy my visits to her.

  Am I driving u crazy w/the font colors?  I'm trying to find something I can see.I should just make it bigger.I was planning to go plaster a lg sign on ur  friends  front door w/a  flower arrangement,just to let  the  neighbors know what they have  in  their block.What will that get me..U still won't  be  w/us ..I know u surround  us  always,especially Tone. I'm gonna leave u w/the advise I always  gave u as  a kid..NO one is BETTER  then YOU! & YOU'RE as  GOOd as EVERYONE else!!.Keep trying..You'll get ur  wings  soon!  I love & miss u..Till I can hold u again..i M U  &  U R  u,MOMMy

Hi Baby Boy,I came  out to  see u..Ur headstone was just put  up.I was shocked  to  see it  there ,but u look so  beautiful in  the pix..As always..I will  bring Anthony out  on Saturday.Steph put ur  pix in Review.I wish I knew  whats  going on w/her..I don't  have  the  energy to figure her out.I was thinking abt  last  year  ,this same  wk,,when I asked  u abt  the  $$ that Tuesday morning.I thought u were moving  out..U laughed  & told  me  I couldn't  get rid of  u that easily..72 hrs later u were  gone  forever..What a  year it's  been..Ur grandmother is  really upset this  wk,w/Aunt Sally,Danny,then she  saw all ur  pix in Review,,she was just crying  on the phn to me..She really is  a  good  person Den. It just started  to  snow..U know  how  much I'm hatin this  right ??It better not stick..10 more  wks  of  this  cold,,I can do it !!I should  go  online  & see if they need police dispatchers in Florida.Anywhere as far north as  So Carolina is my kinda weather.remember the  yr it snowed  38"..u took my shovel & went around  doing sidewalks,but never did mine.How  u used  to  do Floss' & she paid u in pies?  I'm gonna call Ande  & bring  him out to see u.I remember how  u 2 were always  in the basement hiding  out  from  the  girls..Now he's  married  to Jen & had 2  boys.Who knew..This  is  soup weather,but I don't  have  anyone  to cook for..I took a  few  days  off work.Hopefully I'll be  ok this wkend..Ur sister doesn't make  my  life  easy..Yes Den,if u were here U'd  be  the  GOOD  KID this  wk..LOL.I was just telling ur  Pop how  we had become  more  like  friends the last  yr while u were living here.We were always  close,& had  out moments,but EVERYONE knew  u were my BABY..we could  fight,not talk & be  fine  in a  day or  2,but that last  yr ,,we were  so close..Like  God  was  giving me another chance..We used  to cook,eat,gossip together.I haven't made  a pot  of  gravy in this house  since  u left..Sorry to  say but Anthony is  content w/a can of spagetti-o's.Where'd  he  come from??oh yeah,his Mom..On that note I'm goona leave  u for  a while..I love  u over us..I M U  &  U R ME..
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