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Hey U,rise  & shine.Ur son's  had  me up for  the past few days @ all  crazy hours.What's  up.? M I nuts for  coming here  talking to u?..I'm sorry,but as much as I miss u,,I can't  grieve ur  passing..Ur  life was  just so good.With the exception of  a couple of yrs thrown  in to  show u what bad is..U had it made..Ur life  brought so much pleasure  & joy to  everyone around  u..I could  sit around  & wonder  Y,,I could  stare @ photos & cry all day,,but U were so  much  more then that..Yes ,ur  no  longer here,& i'd  give  anything to just  be able to  hug u,but ,the time  that u were here  was  just  so  nice..I have  such good  memories ..I live  w/them  now..The good & bad ones..I try to  ease Tone's pain by telling  him that he's  so special..He has his own Angel.He has so many  people  who  love him..He's  so cute to  just watch..What an imagination..At  night  he wraps himself  in the afghan w/ur pix on it,,or  else he folds it & puts it  on the pillow  w/him.I figure  if I keep telling  myself that God  only takes  the best & He had bigger plans  for  u..I may  start to believe it..My son is special..He's  w/God.
It's  Monday,A new  week..I'm gonna stay positive.Even as  I sit here crying..Tears  of  joy,just  for  having  brought  u into  this world & having  the chance  to  know u...I love & miss u more then u could ever imagine.Stay w/us,,& help keep me strong..I M U  &  U R ME.
Yo,,,What's  up,?,I had a  discussion w/my mom's grp abt feeling  good or  happy..I shared  my motto,"Expect  the worse,U'll never be  disappointed."..Why have  I always  been a negative  person..It's like  I've  never really been able  to  enjoy anything 100%..Everything is like a tease..Lately even  the weather is  teasing me..Last 2 days  in  the high 60's, then POW!!  woke  up this morning  to SNOW..Gram wasn't like that..I know  it was those  Nun's  back in Catholic school..Always telling us we weren't  worthy ,didn't  deserve anything..That's  why theres so many screwed up  adults now..They should  of had counselors  in school back then.No wonder Nun's  r  a thing  of  the past..I hope  they never make a comeback..Ok,,It's  Friday,I'm going  thru something,so I'm gonna get dressed  & take  Tone  to get  his haircut..  Hollar @  u later..I love u kiddo..I M U  &  U R ME
Den,Boy,what I'd do for a hug right abt now..I'm off 2day & just have this  feeling it's not gonna be a good 1..Stay w/me PLEASE..I love & miss u so much..I M U  &  U R ME
Yo Den,I'm so sick..I feel like  my eyes are  floatin,have a bangin headache,can't  hear,breathe or  talk..It should be a  good  nite @ work..U know  my motto.."Use  ur  sick days  when u have something to do"..LOL..That freakin bldg needs to  be torn  down.No open windows ,,we  all just keep breathin in each others  germs.I really can't  complain,I haven't had a cold  all winter..Someone's idea of acruel joke for  me  to  get 1 just as the weather is breaking.Anyway,I'm still on nite work,so maybe 2moro when I drop Tone @ school,I'll drive down & sit w/u for a  few..I may even buy u a Propel..Maybe,I don't  want to  spoil you..U always thought I was hidin them from u.I still leave  all the waters  in the grocery bags.Ok,,He's  torturing me for a  Nerd rope..I have  to  get ready for  work..I love  & miss u..I M U  &  U R ME
Hey U,what's up? or as Bob would say,What's shakin?  Do u ever run into him?  I hope  u have  ur  family members  close to u.So,the blanket came in & we  ALL love it..Anthony & I fight  over it @ night..I have  to  get u a clearer picture..Den,I don't  know  what's  going on w/Tone in school..He actually hit someone  in school 2day..I'm getting him tested  again soon..I don't know  what more  I can do.I wish I could  just stay home w/him..Well anyway,,haven't talked to u in a  few days..the snow  is gone & warm weather is  here.HOORAY !! but u never know..It can snow again in a minute..U know ,,El Nino,,Global warming ,,whatever..U used  to keep up  on everything & then tell me..Now I don't  know a damn thing .Pop told  me Junior got sucker punched @  the bar & no one helped ..I doubt u would still be there,but I'm glad ur  not..That neighborhood has  gotten really bad,but U can't tell  Senior anything.Y try..So enough abt them..U know I love & miss u..that will never change..Come see us..I M U  &  U R ME.
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