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Yo! Just  needed to  say Hi..I go back to work this afternoon..I put so many pix on ur  other site,it takes me  forever to get thru them..I may have overdone it..Ya Think ?? U know  me  w/my camera & pix..& I haven't even come across the Disney ,Buesh Garden or my Italy pix yet..Anthony keeps buggin to see the pix of the  Volcano,that's what got me looking for them.He can be such a little  scootch.Boy can  he  play  people  like  a fiddle..U'd be  proud,,He has that Maddolo gift of  gab already.This  red ain't 1/2 bad..I can actually see it..So ,Let me  start to get ready/./Talk to u 2moro..LOve & miss u..I M U  &  U R ME..
Hey U,God,I really  miss u today..I really need  a  good  push or  a  foot  up the  butt to get  myself together..My God,my life is  a shambles.All I do is work & sleep..If I didn't  have to  work,I'd sleep all day.I just have no motivation to do anything..I went  thru every picture of  u I have in my room..I'm gonna  add some to this & ur other website.So many  of  u as a Baby,that fat little kid u were..So mnay down the shore..I often wonder if  Bob wasstill alive,would u have gotten into drugs .U 2 had a special bond.It's  good  to  see u in these pix,cause my  only vison of u is  still the 1 in the E.R.even after 13 months.I see u lying  there looking so peaceful like u were asleep..Den,please make my heart stop hurting..How can I still be alive w/this huge hole in my chest? It's  an actual honest to God feeling..Just an emptiness..The lump in my throat hasn't  gotten any smaller..Y r some days  easier then  others?Fridays  r always  bad..Today is no exception..Please stay w/me..I love  & miss u so much..I M U  &  U R ME..
Hey Den,Colts::29-17..Can u believe it ? I didn't  even watch..If it ain't the Birds,who cares.I can't  believe u've already  missed 2 superbowls.That's  the  only reason u wouldn't  be watching..with any  luck ,there's a bis screen plasma wherever u are. I hope  u all don't  party to hard..Tomorrow is  Nicholas & Emile's heaven dates.Please  make  sure  they visit w/their families.U know  how  hard it was for  me  only 2 wks  ago..It's not that much easier now..At least I can write to u when ever I want..It's not  the  same as sitting  on ur  bed  bs'g w/u,but I'll settle  for  anything right abt now.I'm glad that u have  so many Angels  w/u,but that means  so much grief back here..If any of  u could  imagine what would  be  going  on w/ur  family members,would  things have been different? Another ?? w/o an answer..I can't  question God's  big  plan now,but boy if I ever get  up there ,I have  alot  to  say to him..Do u know  whats going on.?.Can  u tell how  much Anthony misses u,? How  much I need  u here ?All that ur  Pop is  going  thru this past  year?I hope  that @ least  ur somewhere  safe  & know  that we all love u,& not wandering around  w/o a clue..The only thing that keeps  me  going is  the thought of  u in Heaven w/God  & ur  family members  who went before u..No pain,anguish,problems of any kind.Always  feeling  love & peace..If its any different,I don't  want to know..It's  the  only  thing that keeps me  sane. It may be  the  beliefs  of  a  6 y/o Catholic school girl, w/the Nuns telling us  more of their lies,but it's  all I have  to hold onto now..I can't  even  think that ur  all  a bunch of  souls  .I have  to  think that ur  whole bodied ,dressed, just another day in Paradise.Boy,I know  I'm in for  a shock,but hopefully we'll all be together wherever it is..Stay w/me & give me me  to  go on & do what I have  to  for  Anthony..He's  all that matters now.I'm gonna try to get some  sleep.,,Sure,talk to u in a few hrs...I love & miss u so much..I M U  &  U R ME.
Hey U,Well,it's  Super Bowl wkend.Who would've  thought ,DA BEARS & COLTS ?? What happened  to ur  Birds? U know  they woulda if  they coulda..remember when Uncle Bill always  had  the  Super Bowl parties? We all had such good  times  back then.U would've had  to  work anyway.At least Dallas isn't  in  the Bowl.I got Anthony's  report card yesterday..It wasn't  good..Den,please help me  to  do  what I have  to  w/him..they want to  leave him  back.I really don't  want  that ,but he  refuses to listen or  study.I'm goint to  see the  teacher this wk..God,I need  to  do some`thing,between work,this  house,trying to do what I have to  w/Anthony..It's not easy.What I need  to  do is  stop feeling sorry for myself..Oh well,sorry to  drag  on & on..I really miss u Bean...I M U  &  U R ME 
Hey U,Been thinking abt u..Trying to keep it real.U know  w/the exception of last 1/2 of 2003 & 1st 1/2 of 2004.we didn't  have  bad  times..God  only knows  what u were really going thru..U hid it so well.How  I wish u would  have asked  for  help sooner.Well the answers are not  for  me  to  know  just yet.I've  kinda accepted that ur  gone,but the  lump in my throat & this emptiness in  my chest just won't  leave.I tried to  explain it to Aunt Mar last  nite..It's  just  so hard to  tell  anyone,especially when they answer u wit "I know,I know". No u don't , shut  the  hell up...If everybody understands ,then tell me  why  I still wake up EVERY SINGLE nite  between 3:15 / 3:45..It's like  I'm waiting for u to come in..Lately I just look @ clock & say,"ur early or  late ",& go back to sleep..I just do it from habit now..U haven't  come  to  call me lately..I'd  really like  that,Anthony would  too..We love  & miss u Baby Boy..I M U  &  U R ME....
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